Bangladesh can become LDC graduates long before under present Govt.-Dr. Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad

UsaNewsOnline.Com Desk: In the 3rd International conference on “Entrepreneurship Development and International Economics under COVId-19 in Bangladesh: Aftermath of LDC graduation” organized by Entrepreneurial Economists club, Dhaka School of Economics, from Bangladesh and abroad through hybrid mode total 32 papers were presented. In these papers starting from agricultural sector to industrial sector and service sector as well as as during pandemic strengthening local government were discussed. Sustainability of the economy was the key factors. Entrepreneurial ecosystems with traditional marketing systems to digital marketing systems through artificial intelligence were discussed. Use of artificial intelligence and blockchain technology were discussed and in the global arena to curb the corruption, ethical practices were being discussed. Speaker argued that sustainable entrepreneurship growth to aid sustainable development which is necessarily inclusive and environment friendly activities. Zero tolerance to corruption by the different public and private sector is being required. Dr. Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad as a chief guest of the conference commented that trade in Bangladesh is more imports dominated compared to exports. The COVID-19 has added some new dimensions to International trade. For example, the importance of techno-entrepreneurship and digital tools have assumed a much greater importance.He argued that the strategies should focus on needs assessment, capacity building,resource allocation and prudent monetary and fiscal policies. Professor Sheikh Ekramul Kabir, Head of Admin, Academic Affairs and development, DScE as a special guest spoke on the necessity and applicability of entrepreneurial education in Bangladesh, Professor Dr. Sujata Khandai, Dy. Dean (Academics), Amity University Noida, India presents the theme paper. Dr. Azreen Karim. Research Fellow, BIDS presented the opinion paper. Professor Dr. Muhammad Mahboob Ali, Coordinator, Entrepreneurial Economics, DScE as a session chair of the inagural session argued that sustaianbel development is going on and present govt. did massive development works in the economy. Ms. Sara Tasneem, Assistant Professor, Entrepreneurial Economics, DScE gave an opinion speech. Mr. Md. Mahbubur Rahman, Editor, The Daily Global Nation and Executive Director
SDO, Sharitpur gave the vote of thanks in the programme. In the closing ceremony Eminent Economist Dr. Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad, Chairman, GC, DScE and Chairman, PKSF was chief guest. Dr. K. Vinodha DeviView Dr. K. Vinodha Devi’s profile Economics, KristuJayantiCollege, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India and Prof. Dr. Jose G. Vargas-Hernandez, Mexico were presented papers. Dr. Moazzem Hossain, Adjunct Associate Professor, Griffith University, Australia joined as special guest and in his closing remarks said that improvement of the international trade specialists’ education for sustainability of international business in Bangladesh is being required. Among others Dr. Yashoda Krishna Durga, GNVS Institute of Management, India, Prof. Dr. Subrata Chattopadhyay, University Engineering and Management, India ,Kris Jangjarat, Saranchana Kaewbuadee, and Dr. Tanpat Karaiwanit, Faculty of Economics, Rangsit University, Thailand, Prof. Dr. Anisul M. Islam, University of Sadia Islam, Assistant Professor, DScE, Dr. Nadia Binte Amin, Managing Director at Research and Computing Services Private Ltd., Md. Shiabur Rahman Shiab, Executive Editor, Bangladesh Post, Mohammad Anisur Rahman Shohagh, CEO & amp; Head of School at Averroes International School also spoke on this occasion. Press Release.