BOROUGH PRESIDENT GIBSON`S STATEMENT ON TEEN SHOOTING INCIDENT AND WEAPON DISCOVERY AT BRONX MIDDLE SCHOOL desk: 20 January shooting outside the Police Athletic League in Longwood that left one teen injured, and another mortally wounded, in addition to a school safety agent’s discovery of weapons in a 13-year-old’s backpack in Fordham Heights, makes it abundantly clear that the gun epidemic in New York City is far from over. Our children deserve to learn and recreate in safe environments.
We are grateful to the brave student who voiced their concern and helped school safety agents recover the weapons, but our children should not have to be superheroes at school or fear being gunned down on the street. Guns have no place in our streets, and they certainly have no place in our educational facilities and recreational spaces. These incidents and so many others highlight the urgent need for us to stop the proliferation of guns in our neighborhoods. I also want to thank the incredible team at the Police Athletic League for their commitment and dedication to our youth. Community centers are safe spaces, and we will not accept any attempts to jeopardize or undermine their work.” Press Release