Spread Your Helping Hand for Shanto!

“Shanto”, 8 years old child and a victim of moral deterioration of society, is just one example of thousands of children in Bangladesh who are abused and tortured by their poor family and are used later for child begging business. Shanto’s two hands were cut by his drug addicted step father who is suspected to be a part of the criminal networks which are spread out around different districts of Bangladesh. They kidnap children and cut their hands/legs or make them blind for the purpose of begging since people are more sympathetic to child beggars. We want to bring justice to Shanto, raise awareness in our society against child abuse and provide “Prosthetic” artificial hands to Shanto.
Ruksana Kamar, a service holder of the ministry of health & family welfare, Bangladesh, has been taking care of Shanto since February, 2013, provided him with primary treatment while he was in Dhaka Medical College & Hospital and later on transferred to National Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedic Rehabilitation. The doctors recommended her to take the boy abroad for better prosthetic management. Dhaka Judge Court has ordered Ruksana Kamar that two persons including her need to accompany Shanto for travelling abroad. Currently, Redwan Chowdhury, the chairman of UDION nonprofit organization, whose vision is searching for opportunities to create a better future for unfortunate poor children, made an arrangement with Shriners Hospitals for Children in Philadelphia, PA for Shanto’s free transplantation of two “Prosthetic” artificial hands. His primary examination will begin on October 30th, 2013 and will continue further therapies and surgery. The total process will take about1.5 to 2 months. Mrs. Ruksana Kamar is taking preparation to fly with Shanto for the installation of his prosthetic arms.
Now they are waiting for some funds to apply for the visa and start the journey and need our help. Shanto and his two companions’ round trip air fare, food and lodging in USA will cost approximately $$. With your little contribution, Shanto will be able to come to USA for his treatment. You can give Shanto two new functional artificial hands so that he can continue his daily activities and education. One Day, Shanto might become highly educated, self-independent and treasure for our country. So, let’s spread our helping hands for this little innocent child.
The details of this heart breaking story can be found below:
Hospital Address:
Shriners Hospitals for Children
1645 W 8th St, Erie, PA 16505
Phone:(814) 875-8700
Immediate donation and support needed for :
1. Two way travelling for them both
2. Foods
3. Accommodation